- Payments: What credit cards do you accept for the purchases at Gator Gun and Knife Store?
We accept Master Card, Discover, American Express and Visa. We also accept personal local checks, however, there is a $50 fee on all NSF checks.
- Directions: What are the directions to Gator Gun and Knife Store?
Gator Guns is located at 148 South Cities Service Hwy in Sulphur, Louisiana.
If traveling on Interstate 10 in the Southwest corner of Louisiana and take exit #23 heading north. Go about 1mile and it's on the left across the street from Superior Steel and Taco Bell.
Of course they are. What a silly question.
- Phones: Why does the phone stay busy all the time?
There is such a large volume of calls, please call back or send email to gatorguns2@aol.com.
- Gun Values: Can you tell me how much my gun is worth?
Because there are many models, and condition determines value, we have to physically see them in order to appraise them. Bring you gun to Gator Gun and Knife for appraisal.
- Age Limit: What is the minimum age to purchase a handgun, rifle or shotgun.
You must be at least 18 years of age to purchase a rifle or shotgun, and 21 years of age to purchase a handgun. The same is true for Ammunition. 18 years of age for rifle bullets and shotgun shells and 21 years of age for handgun bullets.
- Background Check: Is there a waiting period?
No, the only stipulation is the FBI background check which can take from 5 minutes to 3 working days. FFL holders are exempt.
- Background Check: If I have a valid Louisiana Conceal Carry Permit, do I have to go through the FBI Background check?
NO, if you have a valid Louisiana Conceal Carry Permit issued after May 9th, 2015, you do not have to go through the background check. If your permit is expired or revoked then you have to have the background check called in by the Federal Fireams Dealer.
- Prices: Are your prices the same at Gator Gun and Knife Store as they are at Gun Shows?
Yes, we keep the same low prices in Gator Gun and Knife Store and at Gun Shows.
- Ordering: If I am an individual from another city or state, how can I order a gun from you and have it shipped to me?
Call Richard, Allison or John at Gator Gun and Knife Store to see if we have the item in stock. (337) 527-9885. John, Allison or Richard will discuss the details with you.
- Gun Repair: Do you do gun repair.
No, we are only a retail store for guns and accessories. We refer our gunsmith work to Roger David at David's Gun Shop located 507 South Crocker Street in Sulphur, LA 70663 (318) 527-5089.
- Prices: Do you negotiate prices on your merchandise?
No, because there is very little markup on inventory.
- Consignment: Do you take guns on consignment?
NO! Everything we have in stock is property of Gator Gun and Knife until sold.
- Used Guns: Do you sell used guns?
Yes we do.
- Sales Tax: Do I have to pay sales tax?
Yes, the rate is 9.75%. FFL holders that live in Louisiana but outside Calcasieu Parish pay only 4%. FFL holders that live outside Louisiana are tax exempt. FFL holders inside Calcasieu Parish can obtain a parish tax exempt certificate through the State of Louisiana tax office or on the internet at http://www.rev.state.la.us/
- Are there Sales Tax Holidays:
Yes there is. On the first full Friday and Saturday of August, it is the state 

tax (4%) that is exempt. So you only pay Calcasieu Parish Tax of 5.75 %.
On the first full Friday and Saturday of September, it is the 2nd Admendment Tax Free Weekend, which both agency are Tax Free. So you will save 9.25% on your purchases. More details are on the following link: http://www.rev.state.la.us/
- Scopes: If I purchase a rifle and scope from Gator Gun and Knife, who can I have put the scope on the rifle for me?
When scopes and rifles are purchased from Gator Gun and Knife, we mount and bore sight the scope for you at no extra charge.
- Scopes: When you bore sight a rifle and scope, do I still have to take it to the range to sight it in?
Yes, all bore sighting does is to align the scope and rifle together to at least hit the target. You should go and sight in the rifle for fine tuning before your hunting trip.
- Scopes: Before I take my rifle out for my next hunting trip, would I need to take it to the range and make sure it is still sighted in correctly?
Yes, when a rifle is put up for a period of time sometimes the settings may drift. So, before you travel any distance, it would be wise to make sure that your rifle shoots to point of aim. If your scope should receive any kind of impact or is removed from the rifle, it must be checked and possibly sighted in again.
- Match Dates: When are the match dates for local pistol competitors?
First Saturday in Orange, TX. Second Saturday in Beaumont, TX. Bring at least 100 rounds of ammo.
- Ordering: If I come into Gator Gun and Knife, can I purchase guns.
Yes, you can purchase handguns and long guns as long as you reside in Louisiana. You can purchase only long guns if you reside outside of Louisiana. You must abide by your state's laws on gun ownership.
- Ordering: What if the item that I request is not in stock?
Out of stock items can usually be obtained within 3 to 5 working days, and this depends on availability through the warehouse. Hunting guns availability varies by season, greater demand during hunting season. Call or email to check on availability, be sure to leave your name and phone number so we can contact you.
- Ordering Specialty Items: Can I order a specialty item that you normally do not stock?
Specialty items can be ordered which may take 3 to 5 working days if item is not in stock. (We do stock some specialty items.) A 30% non-refundable deposit will be required to order specialty items that we do not normally stock.
- Gun Shows: When I purchase a firearm from a gun dealer, how long does the FBI Background check take?
The same as purchasing the firearm in a gun store. It could take from 5 minutes to 3 working days.
- Can I buy a gun online such as GunBroker.com and have it shipped to your store?
No, there are no provisions in Gator Guns to transfer any firearms purchased through the internet or from other individuals.
- What if I have a mechanical problem with the firearm I purchase?
If you purchase your firearm from Gator Guns, bring the unloaded firearm back to Gator Guns to see if we can get it working for you again. Firearms that are under warranty that were purchased from Gator Guns, we will ship back to manufacturer for you for repair. Firearms purchased from other stores or individuals should be contacted by you and made aware of your problem. All sales are final and warranty problems have to be handled through the manufacturer and we can help.